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On-site training for mosquito and fly-free communities


On the afternoon of 6 June 2021, Professor Mo from the Institute of Insect Science, Zhejiang University hosted a fly-free community presentation. Professor Mo held an interactive discussion with the participants on mosquito and fly eradication in green facilities, sewers, basements and other places in the community.

Professor Mo believes that it is possible to create a mosquito-free community and led the participants to observe the most vulnerable and fly-prone areas in the community. The largest area in the community is the green belt, including grass and trees, which are all places where mosquitoes and flies can easily gather. Professor Mo hung fly removal devices on the trees one metre above the ground, mainly for the removal of green flies. For mosquito removal, the devices are placed closer to the ground. Water pools are also an easy place to attract flies. Professor Mo offered solutions to the pools for fly control.

Professor Mo cautioned that in order to achieve a fly-free community, different areas need to be treated with the right medicine and that patience and perseverance are needed.